
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Broadcast update!

OK, my producer met with WGTE today, and they want to give us a Prime Time slot on Toledo Stories!!

Looking at Broadcast Thursday, May 17th 8pm.

April 19 th is the final cut delivery date. We will have to have the final cut done by then for their approval. That is a great date because we have a week or so for changes before end of the term.



These are about 10 thumbnails ideas of where I'm at. What are some team thoughts? Goods, bads or any other suggestions. =)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Time sheet

Time sheet due tomorrow--after class at the latest.
Also made a note on Asana under identity project. Look for it and make sure you were able to see it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Here are the team's picks on the style of maps we would like to integrate into the documentary.  

We like the texture in this image and the use of color.

We like the line work and style of the image below and would like to combine this style with the one above.

We like the color scheme of this final image along with the emboss technique used for the lifework. 

Motion Graphics Research

Here are some links of videos that I feel can influence the project.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Although the group is using Asana to keep in touch, you need to post major things here. Also, make sure you link your calendar and your timesheet Excel update here as well.